I close my eyes in order to see. — Paul Gauguin

Meditation, a subject as vast as the universe we are trying to connect with! As a student first and a teacher second in my classes I share different techniques that I find most useful for helping to quiet the mind so we can drop into that place beyond thought and beyond emotion. For me meditation is a way of trying to understand the mind by letting the thoughts grow quiet so we can become the watcher of thought, and experience each space in between. 

I love to practice meditation in a group and experience the power of the combined focused energy which brings forth so much light and love into this world. Teaching this brings me the same amount of peaceful energy, especially when we have a specific goal. You will find that along with my yoga classes, my meditations are also often themed classes. Often going with the moon cycle, or another relevant topic that we can all benefit from. 

Meditation has been proven to work wonders to help people in places with may cause high stress, e.g. work environments, schools/universities, hospitals etc. so if you are in one of these places and would like to introduce a group meditation please use the form below to contact me. If you are new to meditation and looking for an introduction, or if you are after some new techniques for your own practice, I am sure I can be of help guiding you through your journey. Individuals or groups, old or young, meditation has benefits of all.